2010年10月13日 星期三


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自製新鮮空氣_Kamal Meattle on how to grow fresh air(可選中文);

學校扼殺了創意?_Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity(可選中文);

推動學習革命_Sir Ken Robinson on bring on the learning revolution(可選中文);

如何避免氣候變化危機(1)_Al Gore on averting climate crisis(可選中文); ( 2 )

遊戲讓世界更美好_Jane McGonigal:Gaming can make a better world(有中文);

與天才攜手創作_Elizabeth Gilbert on nurturing creativity(有中文);

再見,教科書_Richard Baraniuk on open-source learning(可選中文);

讓人快樂的好設計_Don Norman on on 3 ways good design makes you happy(有中文);

網路為來五千天_Kevin Kelly on the next 5,000 days of the web(有中文);

我就是要你功課爛_李國修and王月( 1 ); ( 2 ); ( 3 );

第六感裝置_Pranav Mistry on The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology(有中文);

關於動機的迷思_Dan Pink on the surprising science of motivation(可選中文);

認知上的錯覺_Dan Aariely asks: Are we in control of our decisions?(可選中文);

Did you know? 4.0(中文字幕);

關於自學_Sugata_Mitra on how kids teach themselves(暫無中文);

關於學習障礙_Aditi Shankardass: a second opinion on learning disorders(暫無中文)_光聽到"近二分之一自閉症為誤診"就很值得和大家分享;

比天賦更重要的事_Jeff Bezos: gifts vs choices(暫無中文);





