Questions for the interview
1. Talk about your family.
2. Please talk about your hometown.
3. Talk about your school. Is there anything special about your school?
4. What is your favorite pastime/ recreational activity/ interest/ hobby?
5. Do you feel bored sometimes? What would you do?
6. Talk about your personality. What’s unique about you? What are your strong points and major weaknesses?
7. What are your important achievements? Is there something that you are very proud of?
8. What makes you unique? Are you proud of yourself? Are you a confident person? What makes you confident in yourself?
9. Is there anything that frustrates you a lot in high school life?
10. Who is the most influential person to you?
11. How is your high school life? Do you have any unforgettable event in high school?
12. Have you ever been abroad? (If so, what impressed you most about that country? Do you have any unforgettable experience to share? If not, which country would you like to visit? Why?
13. What are your styles of learning English? How do you improve your English ability?
14. What do you think are the best ways to learn English? Do you learn English in the ways you just mentioned?
15. Describe how your English teacher conduct the class?
16. If you were an English teacher, how would you conduct the class? Do you have different ways of teaching your students?
17. Why do you like English? Why do you decide to major in English?
18. Among all the English words, which one is your favorite?
19. Have you ever read any English literary work, a novel or a play? What do you think of it? What is it about?
20. What’s your favorite book/ novel/ movie? What’s it all about? Why do you like it?
21. What kind of book do you read? What kind of book do you like most?
22. Who’s your favorite author?
23. Which character in the novel that you have read or the movie you have watched is the most fascinating to you?
24. Which character is the one that you dislike the most?
25. Do you read English newspapers? Which section of the newspaper do you read first? Why?
26. Do you read English newspapers or magazines? Do you enjoy it?
27. Language is closely related to culture. Do you agree? Why?
28. There are courses about literature in an English department in Taiwan. Do you know why?
29. Why do you decided to take classes in?
30. Why are you interested in our school? How much do you know about the courses in our department? What courses do you plan to take?
31. What do you expect to learn from our department? What instructions do you expect to receive from our department?
32. How did you feel while you were waiting outside the classroom for the interview?
33. What do you think qualifies you as a good addition to our department?
34. Do you have confidence in passing the screening test? (Do you have confidence that you will be admitted to our school?) Why?
35. What would you do to contribute to our department as a student?
36. If you fail to pass the test, how do you feel? What will you do?
37. If you pass this interview, how will you make use of the time you have before entering college?
38. What’s your parents’ opinion of your choice? What do they think of this school?
39. What does college mean to you? How will you spend your college life? Do you have any plan?
40. In your eyes, what qualities should a college student possess?
41. What’s the first thing you want to do when you enter our department?
42. Talk about your plan in your first year in college?
43. What’s your study plan for the four years in college?
44. What is your goal after graduation from college?
45. What is your career goal? (What kind of job do you plan to go into?/ What kind of job would you like to take as a lifelong career?)
46. What does it take to be a good?
47. If you are offered a job in a foreign country, will you take it?
48. Which part of Taiwan would you like to introduce to your foreign friend?
49. Will you consider living in America or marrying a foreigner?
50. Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
51. Do you have any questions?
_for example/ in fact/ for instance等
_1). Well.../Hmm...
_2). Let me think.../ Let me see...
_3). How shall I put it...
_4). Let me put it this way...
_1). Pardon me?
_2). Excuse me?
_3). Could you repeat the question, please ?
_4). Could you please speak slowly ?
_1). I'm sorry. I didn't quite understand what you said.
_2). Sorry, I didn't catch you? What do you mean ______?
_3). Um... I don't get it. Would you please explain more for me?
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