2010年8月30日 星期一


8/30-9/3 week1
......3-4節:颱風來了pp.32-34 :颱風來襲的天氣變化

9/6-10 week2
......1-2節:颱風來了pp.35-37(習作pp.21-24):防颱準備/ 颱風生命週期
......3-4節:天氣變化pp.22-23 :水的三態/認識雲.雨.雪.霧.露.霜

9/13-17 week3
......3-4節:天氣變化pp.18-21(習作pp.14-17): 學習觀察.記錄.說明資料
............/ 天氣與氣候的不同

9/20-24 week4
@ 9/22 513/512因中秋放假

9/27-10/1 week5
......1-2節:小考第二大單元/ 考後講解

10/4-10/8 week6
......1-2節:會發光發熱的星球: 太陽的光和熱是地球萬物生存的
......3-4節:太陽的位置pp.10-11: 太陽高度角/ 討論與製作

10/11-10/15 week7
@ 10/15 交科展計畫書
......1-2節:太陽的位置: 戶外量測 + 太陽的傳說

10/18-23 week8
......3-4節:太陽位置的季節變化pp.14-15: 能說明高度角與四季的關係

10/25-29 week9
......1-2節:小考第一大單元/ 考後講解

11/1-5 week10
......1節: 期中考範圍:第一.二大單元
......2-4節: 考後講解/ 討論科展計畫書


2010年8月15日 星期日


轉載自【正見網】2009年08月20日 作者:雲開


有 一次,孔子帶領一批學生奔走列國時,被亂軍困在陳、蔡之間,師生竟一連七日吃不上飯。有一個叫子貢的學生帶了一些財物衝出包圍,向附近的農民買了一石米回 來。大家都高興起來,孔子馬上派顏回和仲由倆人在土屋下做飯。飯快熟的時候,房樑上的一塊煙灰落到鍋裡。顏回生怕弄污了一鍋好飯,趕忙把弄污的飯抓了出 來,但又覺的棄之可惜,留給別人吃又不衛生,於是就自己把那一團飯吃了下去。


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2010年8月12日 星期四

Common practices among highly effective teachers

Common practices among highly effective teachers(case study by Public Education Foundation)

1.          Expectations for the students were clearly stated and exemplars of previous year’s assignments were shown to students as models of what to produce.

2.          Student work could be found everywhere: inside the classroom, out of the door, and down the hall.

3.          The teachers did not stand still and lecture; they covered every part of the room and monitored every activity that took place.

4.          Multiple small group activities were often found, while the traditional arrangement of desks in rows was practically nonexistent.

5.          There were high level of “instructional discourse”: Students were encouraged to ask questions, discuss ideas, and comment on statements made by teachers and other students.

6.          The organization of the rooms and the lessons was clearly evident. Materials were easily accessible when needed, and no class time was wasted from lack of preparation.




The impact of virtual learning on teachers’ professional development

Gillespie, H., Boulton, H., Hramiak, A., and Williamson, R. 2007 Learning and Teaching with Virtual Learning Environments. Learning Matters.

There are two main area of professional development needed if virtual learning is to be effective in school. Firstly, teachers need to develop the technical skills needed to use a virtual learning environment. I essence these skills are not specific to using a particular VLE but they are general ICT skills, which can be transferred between learning platforms. However, it is not enough just to know the technical skills: as a teacher you also need to develop the appropriate pedagogical skills. So in addition you need to learn strategies to include virtual learning in your teaching and learning plans, both in the context of a long-term plan and at the lesson-planning level. Below is a list of some of the technical and pedagogical skills that you need to develop as a teacher in order to use virtual learning effectively.

Technical skills:

1.web browser navigation;

2.making and updating files of content (text, images, videos, MP3, etc);

3.adding and organizing and operating virtual learning tools;

4.setting up discussion boards and other communications tools;

5.constructing quizzes, surveys and tests;

6.managing user of the VLE.

Pedagogical skills:

7.organising the introduction of the VLE to learner;

8.planning virtual learning opportunities in face-to-face teaching sessions;

9.using virtual learning to develop non-classroom beads learning opportunities;

10.choosing and using appropriate content and communications tools;

11.making the most of online learning opportunities;

Clearly these two sets of skills cannot be learned in isolation and programmes of professional development need to include both these aspects to be effective.


2010年8月9日 星期一


An "Apple" a day keeps blue away.


2010年8月7日 星期六

菜販攝影師 戀戀火金姑



張 博鈞高二時,做了「螢火蟲生態研究」參加科展獲獎,開啟他與螢火蟲的緣分。當時他鼓起勇氣請台大昆蟲系教授楊平世幫忙,楊教授不僅借他實驗室、攝影機、顯 微照相機,還「出借」一群研究生一起調查。他笑說,當年那些研究生,都被他「害慘了」,現在全投入研究螢火蟲,成為保育路上重要伙伴。








2010年8月5日 星期四


轉載自 【正見網】2008年01月03日 作者:茹之






