今天要分享的是電影鄉愁(NOSTALGHIA)中, 詩人Donenico的演說
The heart’s path is covered in shadow.
We must listen to the voices that seem useless.
In brains full of long sewage pipes of school walls, tarmac and welfare papers.
The buzzing of insects must enter.
We must fill he eyes and ears of all of us with things that are the beginning of a great dream.
Someone must shout that we’ll build the pyramids.
It doesn’t matter if we don’t !
We must fuel that wish
and stretch the corners of the soul
like an endless sheet if you want the world to go forward.
We must hold hands, we must fix the so-called healthy with the so-called sick.
You healthy one ! What does your health mean?
The eyes of all man kind are looking at a pit into which we are plunging.
Freedom is useless
if you don’t have the courage to look us in the eye.
To eat, drink, and sleep with us. It’s the so-called healthy.
We have brought the world to the verge of ruin.
Man, listen ! In you, water, fire and then ashes,
And the bones in the ashes.
The bone and the ashes !
當然, 還沒看到這段就睡著也是很正常的,
二十出頭時的我, 從沒看完他的一部片.
我們的思緒喜歡被娛樂, 疲於窮思索.
想看, 看, 想睡, 睡, 再想起, 再看, 忘了, 也無所謂的.
有一回, 聽一場電影發表會,
他思索了一會兒, 淡淡的答:我想說的都在電影裡了, 無以再附加. 如果, 我擅長說, 我就不用去拍電影了.
對於創作者, 作品完成的同時, 他就說完了.
每個觀眾聽見他所想聽的, 銓釋他所看見的, 拿走他所想拿走的.
他的創作, 不是為了取悅誰. 只為靈魂想找出口.
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